1. Focus on youth-Dedicated Priest for the youths-working at headquarters with primary
2. Quarterly youth gospel spark(music and word)
3. Training of all children workers-aim to raise 24 trained children ministers
4. Major gospel music festival with known artists
5. Modification of worship to enrich the spiritual growthxFirst
Sunday -Communion and healing service
second Sunday-Youth service in the adult session-moderated and ministered by the
youth, exchange of youth pulpits
third Sunday-Worship service-praise and worship
Fourth Sunday-Family and friends service(invite families, friends, children to be fully part
of this service, special numbers, children performances, drama, youth activities, recitations,
etc., make it family friendly).
6. Pastor spiritual and physical wellbeing for effective service-Monthly training, appreciation
7. Charity works in the community
X visits to homes, by children, youths, mothers, men,
at Least one charity, even by each church, this year
X VFM - Call for sponsorship-15 ministers per month, £60.00 per month
-Pay into the central account - NatWest Bank Plc
Account number 65665937, Sort code-601525
8. New website-coming up in January 2022
9. Face book-every member should go to our face book, like and subscribe, announce
10. Central Choir robe and boost of worship
11. Jerusalem Pilgrimage - Pilgrimage board (Rev’d Chukwunonye Ndekwu(Chairman), Sir
Kingsley Urum (Secreatary) Rev’d Emmanuel Okoroafor, Rev’d Chibuike Okpalaoka, Dame
Oluchi Okoye, Sir Somtee Okeke, Rev’d Dan Alum, Bethel Edohasim) -Call for those
interested to start putting names to show interest , details to follow later
12. Confirmation, induction and admission candidates to submit names, teachings to follow
13. Joshua Generation partnership with Church of Nigeria
14. More accountability, internal auditing opening of bank accounts
15. Sponsorship of church planting - individuals, families and churches
X Estimate, £4000 per church plant(payment for venue for 6 months and basic equipment)
X- Volunteers to meet the Lead Missioner
17- Command your day -6-6.30 daily
18- Standing in the gap -12-12:15 daily
16. Strengthening every department of the church
Central Office: 70 Chalford Road, Wythenshawe M23 2SG, Anglican Missionary Congregations UK, Ireland and Europe (AMC) Charity registered in England and Wales (Reg number 1171636)
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