" I will restore says the Lord ( Jeremiah 30:17 ) Anglican Missionaries ''
Restoration is the key!
" I will restore says the Lord ( Jeremiah 30:17 ) Anglican Missionaries ''
Restoration is the key!
Restoration is the key!
Restoration is the key!
To teach God's undiluted, unchanged word clearly and uphold the whole truth of the Word of God as contained in the holy scripture.
To share the love of Christ with all members of our communities.
To make everyone feel welcomed, benefit from the love of Christ and be able to integrate into the wider society. We aim to achieve this by planting new churches in every city in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Europe.
To reach out to the youth in our communities, with the aim of promoting love, peace and integration in our communities while sharing the love of Christ to youthful minds. We plan to achieve this by organising regular counselling and mentorship programs that will reach out to the weak, vulnerable, abused, dejected and the lowly in society.
To promote the peaceful coexistent of the different ethnic minorities in the communities where we operate.
We aim to achieve this by encouraging integral programmes across the board that will help all British people from all ethnic backgrounds in the community come together and become part of the global revival of Christianity.
fundraising campaign for AMC-ACOR Sheffield, aiming to raise £300,000 in two months
Account Name: Anglican Church of Redemption
You're invited to a momentous event! The Diocese of Anglican Missionary Congregations (AMC) Europe cordially invites you to the Consecration and Enthronement of Ven. Dr. Gideon Chukwudalu Ilechukwu.
*Event Details:*
- *Date:* Tuesday, 15th October 2024
- *Time:* 7:30 PM
- *Venue:* AMC-Church of Restoration, 70 Chalford Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 2SG
This significant occasion will be a celebration of faith and leadership. We would be honoured to have you join us.
To RSVP and secure your place, please visit the link below:
We are looking forward to your presence at this special event!
You're invited to a momentous event! The Diocese of Anglican Missionary Congregations (AMC) Europe cordially invites you to the Consecration and Enthronement of Ven. Dr. Gideon Chukwudalu Ilechukwu.
*Event Details:*
- *Date:* Tuesday, 15th October 2024
- *Time:* 7:30 PM
- *Venue:* AMC-Church of Restoration, 70 Chalford Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 2SG
This significant occasion will be a celebration of faith and leadership. We would be honoured to have you join us.
To RSVP and secure your place, please visit the link below:
We are looking forward to your presence at this special event!
The Month of Mercy
First of Month Prophetic Encounter
Theme: That I May Know His Mercy.
The Month of Mercy
First of Month Prophetic Encounter
Theme: That I May Know His Mercy.
No spiritual path is straight forward. Everyone took so many wrong turns on his way to develop leadership qualities. What matters is that we get up each day and set our foot on our journey with God.
Anglican Missionary Congregations UK, Ireland, and Europe is led by the board of directors whose chair is a clergy of the Anglican Communion who resides in Manchester, United Kingdom. He and all of the team offer voluntary services to the Church and Charity.
Anglican Missionary Congregations U.K, Ireland and Europe train missionaries who are resident in the United Kingdom and Europe. AMC affiliate its training with institutions, both within and outside the United Kingdom, whose teachings are in accordance with the orthodoxy of the bible. We aim to have a training centre in the United Kingdom that would serve the whole of Europe.
AMC clergy are mainly volunteer ministers (tent makers). We aim to get more volunteer Anglican priests who will be willing to seek the right to work and reside in the United Kingdom.
The headquarters of the mission is in Manchester United Kingdom.
AMC is grateful for the community that we are building here. Supporting one another as we walk our own paths is an important part of our practice. AMC missionaries are dedicated to change the lives by preaching the words of God and fulfilling the substantial needs of people beyond the poverty lines. You can change the world by your giving, Thank you for supporting AMC
Sign up to hear from us about specials, Prayers, and events.
Central Office: 70 Chalford Road, Wythenshawe M23 2SG, Anglican Missionary Congregations UK, Ireland and Europe (AMC) Charity registered in England and Wales (Reg number 1171636)